Friday 28 April 2017

Chickens and beans!

This week we have been learning how to keep the Earth Trust chickens happy and healthy. We topped up their water and fed them – our hens are friendly and like to eat from our hands. They even like a cuddle now and then!

They lay us lots of tasty eggs which we collect and carry carefully to the kitchen for the Earth Trust staff to eat. Sometimes we get to make them into cakes too!

We've also had a check on the peas and beans we sowed back in February. The broad beans were ready for planting out in the vegetable patch. 

Each student dug a hole with a trowel, carefully removed the plant from the pot and placed it in its new home.


It is especially important to water our beans with the dry weather we’ve had recently. We will water them every week at the beginning of our session.

We are looking forward to eating our broad beans later in the year!